Monday, 4 April 2016

Whatsapp Wisdom

I can barely remember the tumbleweed phone days before Whatsapp. Sure, we used to BBM, but it definitely wasn't as good. And now, not a day goes by without being added onto another group. Its like the modern day three-way phone call isn't it? Speaking of which the other day I did one of those with my two best friends and it was AMAZING. I highly recommend it - I know it's basically the same as a work conference call just not on loud speaker and without the free drinks and biscuits, but still, it was so cool.
Anyway, back to Whatsapp. One of my longstanding groups is with my sister and two of her wise and gentle friends. The other day, whilst lamenting my husband's need to ask me where every single thing is in my house, without even bother to look for it himself first, one of the girls said her husband could be a useless good for nothing too. She said her problem with him is that he always claims to need the toilet for a wee plus when he is doing a job he doesn't want to do. But she has found a winning way to make sure these toilet trips are curtailed. She always makes him leave his phone behind. She said this drastically reduces the trip. It goes from being film length to presumably just poo length. Who says romance is dead? Not in my household! I'm sorry to start the week with a kind of depressing post. Back to glamour tomorrow I promise.

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